Technical coaching for your software development team

We help technical leaders to improve their team practices to accelerate software delivery and eliminate bugs.

Let’s talk about your team

Delivering quality software on time does not have to be painful.

Are your software and processes ready for your team to continuously deliver value, meeting deadlines? Or instead you can hear things like...

  • We are saturated with fixing bugs and cannot add new features.
  • We need to dedicate an entire sprint to refactoring.
  • When we added the new functionality three others have been broken.
  • It’s impossible to work because there’s too much technical debt.
  • John has gone on vacation and he’s the only one that knows about this topic.
  • The change is already done, but until next month's release it won’t reach production.

Without the right practices and mindset, your team will remain slow, drowned with issues and frustrated.

We will take your team to high performance, so that they will be able to…

Produce software that is easy to extend and maintain, delivered to market on time.

Minimize defects in the product and surprises in the releases.

Deliver value to business since the beginning of the project and constantly

We will achieve this by fostering a culture of technical excellence, collaboration and continuous improvement.

Let your team be guided by experts

The technical coaches that will accompany your team are developers and technical leaders with broad experience working in high-performance teams.

Pedro Pardal

Founder, Software Craftsman & Technical Coach

What is it like to work with us?

We will work side by side with the developers from the trenches of your project, with Pair/Mob programming sessions.

We will put focus on the business, facilitating collaboration between developers and stakeholders to continuously deliver value.

We will pursue technical excellence, fostering the adoption of best technical practices (such as Agile, XP, DevOps) and habits aimed at adopting a sustainable pace.

We will help the team shape a technical vision that enables business innovation.

We will train the team members in any knowledge and skills that they may be lacking, at the right time and from a practical point of view, through Learning Hours.

We will achieve a long-term impact. When we leave, the achieved culture and mindset shifts will last.

What do our clients say?

Discover how our clients have transformed their teams thanks to our coaching and training services

From new hire to senior in 3 months without altering team productivity

After defining the career path for all the employees of AIDA's engineering department, they identify the need of finding mid level talent to incorporate to their teams.
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How to achieve technical excellence and high performance in 3 months

We wanted to launch a "powerful remodeling" in our product development and it was necessary for our team to learn new skills and get training.
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These clients have already trusted us

Start now the journey to high performance

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Tell us, in a free session without commitment, what are the challenges and needs of your team.

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We meet with your team to agree on the objectives, content and format of the coaching.

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We integrate into the day-to-day of your team to enhance their technical practices.

Empower your development team to deliver value to the business

At Exeal we know that the main objective of software is to generate value for the business, but we also understand the demotivation of constantly struggling to continue implementing features, while keeping all fires under control and trying to improve the code little by little, even with the constant pressure of the business and the impotence of not reaching an understanding.

For this reason, we put all our experience applying the principles and practices of agile development methodologies such as XP (Extreme Programming) and DevOps at the disposal of your team, with whom we will work side by side from the day to day of your project. We will foster the adoption of good practices, habits and the creation of a sustainable pace, to guarantee the performance and predictability of the team in the long term.

We will help the team to collaborate with business stakeholders and end users, optimize their development processes, shape their technical vision and build quality software incrementally. We will do it in Pair and Mob Programming sessions, as well as facilitating team dynamics. We will transfer any knowledge that the team may lack (eg TDD, refactoring, DDD, CI/CD, etc.), at the right time and from an applied point of view, through Learning Hours.

We will foster and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and learning among all team members so that, when we leave, the team can continue to grow without us and constantly add value to users and stakeholders, without relevant incidents, without eternal stoppages to refactor, with almost instantaneous and risk-free deployments and, above all, with people who are happy and proud to belong to your team.

Tell us about your team's challenges and we'll propose a personalized plan for them.